Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Cloud BSleep Sheep On The Go

My daughter likes this sound machine now she really does because she loves ocean sounds but when she was a newborn up to about 3½ months the whale setting was a life saver it calmed her down and put her to sleep she had to have it as loud as it goes but the best part is the back has a Velcro strap so you can attach it to car seat stroller crib swing everything it really is like it says On The Go and I think its adorable the sound box comes out really easy so you can wash him in the machine it has time settings for battery saving and sleeping (every time it shut off my daughter would wake up so wish there was a way not to use this part but not an option) they also make a large version of this sheep called just Sleep Sheep the price difference is like $10 I'm glad my mom got me the travel on only because at about $25 I think you get way more out of the mobile version I still keep my daughters hooked to her swing now she loves looking at him and reaching for him

She really loves just talking to him too

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