I have used Sterno for cooking in the past when camping, and it works very well. Wal-Mart even has a little folding grill box to use with it, so you have a nice level surface to cook on. In this package you get 2 cans of the Sterno chafing fuel, and each will last about 2 hours. These are standard size cans that will fit nicely in most holders. You also receive 2 dishing spoons, which is a really nice bonus.
To try out the Sterno I used my latest birthday present from my oldest son. He gave me a Hershey's ceramic s'more set, and it is made to be used with a can of Sterno fuel (see photos). This can worked perfectly for us. We made plenty of yummy roasted marshmallows, and gooey s'mores.
To use the fuel all you do is place the can where it is needed and light the wick. Make sure you have the can where you want it before lighting, because it is not safe to try to carry or move the can when lit.
Sterno has so many uses for so many situations. As I mentioned above it is great for cooking with or on, or for keeping food warm on a buffet line. It also has other uses that make it so every family should have one in their emergency kit. Sterno can be used for heat in a single room, when done safely of course. If the power is out for an extended period it provides a safe very fast way to cook indoors. These are also great to keep in with your camping gear. They are honestly so much easier to cook with in the rain then a camp fire.
The fact that these cans last 2 hours means you will get multiple uses out of them in an ordinary situation. To extinguish the flame I use the bottom of a plate, glass not plastic of course. Just set it on top and wait a couple minutes. Do not use the lid to extinguish this is not safe, PERIOD.
The serving spoons are really nice too. They are good heavy duty plastic, and I like the shape of them. They are flatter and wider then others. This makes the functional for many more foods. They also make this the perfect set for a buffet. Over all this set is great and something that everyone has a use for, even if you don't know what it is yet.
Disclaimer: I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest opinion of it
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